This post originally appeared on's Runaway Blog April 19, 2013. I hate that I said "good cup of joe."
Me (Brian) and my dad (Orlan) in Boston working on a Probat. I am the one on the right...
I've learned a lot over the past several months. A lot, specifically, about patience.
Just like a good cup of joe, a good business takes a little bit of time to make just right. Some really sweet things are lined up for Mighty Mo Coffee Co: A brand new space to call home and a beautiful Probat roaster (delivered as soon as there's concrete out front!) top the list, as well as some incredible new friends made along the way so far.
As soon as these things are in place, we'll be hard at work creating the roast profiles that capture who we are as a company, and taking extra care to bring your adventure into the flavor of every cup.
Soon, the smell of roasted coffee will permeate the new building. The beans will be packaged with care and shipped to your nearest grocery store, coffee shop, church, convenience store, and ready for you to brew.
Until then, please continue to spread the word about Mighty Missouri Coffee Co. to your families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances... we'd love to connect with you on any of the following networks: Twitter: @mightymocoffee Instagram: @mightymocoffee Facebook: Mighty Missouri Coffee Company.
Thanks, everyone, so much for all your support. We can't wait to roast great coffee for you.
Mighty Mo Coffee #Summer2013