Twelve Years on the Northern Plains
Last month, my little business idea, Mighty Missouri Coffee Co., turned 12. At what point does "startup" end and "business as usual" begin? Twelve years happened in a flash, but twelve years is an eternity. Huge tech empires have thrived and died in that time. And here I am still, planning the next move, making big scary gambles and taking steps into the unknown, the same way it happened when I started.
The initial step into entrepreneurism is a critical step but not the hardest step. So I jumped off the cliff, started a business, and, though it might make me cringe a little today, I began to find my way. In twelve years, I saw this little startup open a storefront. And another. And grow its distribution. And get amazing news coverage -- an actual KFYR headline reads, "Mighty Missouri Coffee Co recognized by Google for generating $165 billion in economic activity." That, unfortunately, was fake news.
The main thing I learned is taking these steps is better with friends. Mighty Missouri Coffee Company is responsible for the closest friends I have. We've built a formidable team of close friends -- a far cry from the years I began on my own, wondering how much perseverance I really had. So, I'm looking at the next twelve and I'm even more excited. Let's jump!

Swimming in the Deep End
This blog, written by Aaron Schuler, was inspirational in the beginnings of Mighty Mo and was the first post on mightymocoffee.com.
My son Isaac turned four yesterday. It is insane that it has been four years already. He looks so, well, older. Time flies when you're having fun.
I went this morning to watch him at swimming lessons at the YMCA. Yes, I was one of those parents sitting on the bleachers exchanging waves from his kid in the pool. It was fun to watch him too!
He did the back float and bobbed his head underwater; really becoming a stronger swimmer. But then the teacher had him head "out to sea". Armed with only his small blue flotation device strapped to his back, he flapped his way into the deep end of the pool with the instructor at arms length. I was actually a little nervous as he almost fully submerged underwater. But his little head stayed above the plain as he paddled his way to the deep end.
At that moment I thought of my own life. I felt like God was challenging me and asking me,
"When was the last time you released your grip from the safety and comfort of the edge and allowed Me to take you deeper? Do you still want Me to take you into new areas, places, and situations that stretch you, cause you to really trust Me?"
I saw that when I take these risks God is right there to never let my head fall underwater. It is amazing. Even times when I feel my mouth straining forward for the last air before going completely under, God comes through and lifts me. He teaches me more at the deep end that I can learn at edge.
So I am challenged again today to not give in or get too comfortable. I am challenged again that I won't grow unless I let go. It really isn't rocket science or a magic formula to growth, but it's simple letting go, going into the deep end and allowing God to teach me again how to swim.
Just as my son, Isaac, who has a smile on his face and is giving it all he has; I, as his father, sit back and watch my son in awe. I sit back and am so proud that he's going for it. I sit back and root him on.
The best thing about our Father is that He takes great delight in us, all the while, being right there to lift us up when we are in need.
Praise be to God!