Drip Brewer
Grind: Medium
8 cup drip brewer: 64 grams coffee
Grind: Medium/Coarse
30 grams coffee
480 grams of high quality H20
Step 1
Place filter so double fold is along the Chemex spout. Wet the filter with hot, purified water. Keeping the filter in place, discard the water.
Step 2
Place ground coffee in pre-wet filter so it's level and even.
Step 4
Place the brewer on a scale and tare to zero.
Step 5
Bloom the coffee. Pour enough water so the grounds are completely covered. Fresh coffee will de-gas. Allow this de-gassing (approx 1 minute).
Step 6
Add hot water consistently, keeping a level bed height, until you've added all 480 grams of water.
French Press
Grind: Very Coarse
30 grams of coffee
480 grams of high quality H20
Step 1
Preheat the french press with hot water and discard the water
Step 2
Add your coarse grind coffee and start a timer for 4 minutes
Step 3
After water is added, stir vigorously for 5 to 10 seconds. Cover the french press (but don't press the plunger yet).
Step 4
After four minutes, plunge the french press, pour, and enjoy.
Grind: Very Coarse
Coffee: 18 g
260 g high quality H20
Step 1
Carefully pre-wet the filter in the Aeropress cap and set aside.
Step 2
On your scale, set the Aeropress on top of the plunger. Add your coarse coffee.
Step 3
Carefully add 260g to the brewing chamber. Stir vigorously.
Step 4
Put filter cap on Aeropress and let set for three minutes. Meanwhile, pre-heat a drinking vessel with hot water (and discard the water).
Step 5
Flip onto a sturdy cup and plunge into the drinking vessel. Enjoy!

Coffee Extraction
We recommend a brewing ratio of 16:1 (Sixteen parts water to one part coffee).
Brewing your coffee for a good extraction is all about getting the good coffee compounds into your high quality water. A "Good Extraction" is when the coffee solubles were fully extracted but not overly so.
Depending on the grind, the specific coffee, the water temperature, and your taste, these variables can be adjusted to properly extract your coffee.