Fresh, Bismarck-Roasted Coffee. Use code "MOM" at checkout.
Mercer County MOMSnext Fundraiser
A percentage of all coffee sold supports Mercer County Momsnext when you enter the code "MOM" at checkout.
Moms need community! This is true during the preschool years and beyond. As mothers enter the school years, new challenges and issues arise, but the need for community and hope remains. For this reason, we offer MOMSnext, a ministry to mothers of school-age children. MOMSnext is an open, accepting place for moms to experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope.
While we are a Christian based program, any mom of a school-age child is invited to attend. We welcome all moms regardless of faith background and belief. MOMSnext is not a Bible study but rather a positive, hope-filled environment for moms to come together in support of one another as we walk through the various stages of motherhood