Fresh, Bismarck-Roasted Coffee. Be sure to put the student's code (first name, last initial, no spaces) at checkout!

Shiloh Christian's Boston Trip

A percentage of all coffee helps shiloh christian students raise funds for their trip when you enter the student code at checkout.

We are taking our junior and senior classes on a historical trip to Boston, MA, and New York City. Our vision for this trip is to surround students with the history of our nation's beginning. While in the Boston area we will visit sites unique to the Revolutionary War that our students have spent years learning about. While in New York we will visit sites that are unique to our country such as the Statue of Liberty. Our mission is to grow our student's perspectives and to share our Christian values in person and on location.

remember, funds can only be applied to Shiloh's history trip when you enter the student's first name and last initial (ex: janed) in the code at checkout.